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Friday, November 01, 2002

PoliticNY has the most level-headed analysis of theGolisano ad-dropping. None of the wire stories had any context when they rushed copy out yesterday, and all of the dailies have crappy coverage as a result, with everyone assuming that this might be a Golisano exit strategy.
I don't know why Golisano would spend a ton of money for TV ads on election day, anyway, but in pulling them he might have been adding resources to other outlets -- something his campaign suggested, but was essentially ignored. No one called any print or radio to find out what he's been doing there -- isn't that important context?
But there is a valid question to ask why he did pull these ads -- is he conceding NYC to Pataki/McCall? Did he finally obtain a field operation thanks to people like Vito Lopez(about whose field operation I know nothing)? It'd make sense. Bloomberg dumped a ton of money last year into last-minute GOTV prep; maybe Golisano's closing on the same strategy.