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Thursday, October 31, 2002

With the Israeli ruling coalition collapsing it remains unclear what will happen with Sharon/Netanyahu/Likud. Josh Chafetz at OxBlog points to several polls showing Sharon secure. However, the variables in this situation may make it more complicated.
If, indeed, Sharon comes to include far-right parties in his regime, will they come to demand a more-right leader, like Bibi? Further, Netanyahu proved eminently capable of pulling a mini-coup this summer with at the Likud Party Convention -- is there any reason to think that, adding in the new lack of confidence in Sharon, Netanyahu cannot take over?
Lastly, Josh, like many others, points to the claimed reason for Labor's exit -- funding of settlements. But as most thorough opinions have pointed out, the funding in question was relatively small, and this is more a show of political dispute than an actual one. So, Labor will now be either rejected or embraced for its bold move -- if embraced, it will indicate a willingness of the constituency to engage in the politics of symbolism; if rejected, it will show them unwilling. Either position has major ramifications for future dealings.